Our Mission
1. To educate, organize, and inspire our fellow citizens to active participation in the political process;
2. To promote the values of individual liberty, limited government, and fiscal responsibility in local, state and national government;
3. To defend the self-evident truth that our Creator, not government, endows each of us with inalienable and equal rights;
4. To uphold the Constitution of the United States of America and respect for the rule of law;
5. Keep our elected and appointed officials in government always accountable; ensuring that they respect our values, our rights, our private wealth, and the letter and the spirit of our Constitution.
Board of Directors
Officers & Directors
President: Steve Hampton
Vice President: Rebecca Long
Secretary: Nelda Nowlin
Treasurer: Lupe Gomez
Director at Large: Sylvia Tafoya Moreno
Director at Large: Ruth Staton, program coordinator
Director at Large: Anna Bartosh
BYLAWS of the SAN ANGELO TEA PARTY, INC. (Revised: May 28, 2013)
ARTICLE I – NAME Name: The name of this organization shall be the San Angelo Tea Party, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “SATP”).
ARTICLE II – STATEMENT OF PURPOSE A. We come together as the San Angelo Tea Party, Inc. to:
1. Educate, organize, and inspire our fellow Citizens to active participation in the political process;
2. Promote the values of individual liberty, limited government, and fiscal responsibility in local, state and national government;
3. Defend the self-evident Truth that our Creator, not government, endows each of us with inalienable and equal Rights;
4. Uphold the entire Constitution of the United States of America, the Rule of Law and never let international or global law set precedent;
5. Support only candidates of a strong moral conservative character; and
6. Keep our elected and appointed officials in government accountable; ensuring that they uphold our Judeo-Christian principles, respect our Individual Rights,
protect our Individual Property including Private Wealth, and support the letter and the spirit of the Constitution of the United States of America.
A. The SATP shall have two classes of membership: Voting Members and Associate Members:
1. Voting Members are those individuals enrolled with SATP, who are 18 years of age or older, are citizens of the United States, and are current in their annual dues.
2. Associate Members are those individuals enrolled with SATP, who are 18 years of age or older, but are not citizens (but legal residents) and/or are not current in their annual dues.
B. Rights of Voting Members and Associate Members:
1. Voting Members have the right to speak at Meetings, make motions from the floor, stand for election to Office, vote in the election of Officers and Directors and on questions and motions placed before the Membership.
2. Associate Members have all the rights of the voting members, except the right to vote and hold office.
C. Annual Membership Dues:
1. The purpose of assessing dues is to formalize voting membership and to partially provide the financial resources for the operation of the SATP.
2. The amount of the Annual Membership Dues shall be determined by the Voting Members.
3. Membership dues shall be paid by April 30th of each year.
D. Suspension or Termination of Membership: The Board may suspend or terminate the membership of Members for cause after a hearing and careful consideration.
The decision and action of the Board shall be final.
A. Frequency of Meetings:
1. Membership Meetings shall be held on a regular schedule at a frequency determined by the Board and approved by the Voting Members. The meeting schedule
shall be posted on the website.
2. Special Membership Meetings may be called from time to time by the Board with at least 5 days oral and/or written notice to all Members. Written notice may
be by email. The purpose of the meeting shall be clearly stated in the notice. This strict notification requirement is waived if the meeting is educational and no
business is to be conducted.
3. Annual Meeting – The Annual Membership Meeting shall be the first scheduled meeting in November of each year.
B. Parliamentary Authority
1. The conduct of all Meetings shall be governed by the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
2. Parliamentarian: The President shall appoint a Parliamentarian to advise the President on parliamentary questions and procedures, and to perform such other
duties as the President may direct.
A. Membership: The Members of the Board shall consist of four Officers and three Directors- at-Large.
B. Responsibilities and Duties: The Board shall be responsible for the administration, finances, operations and order of SATP. In consultation with the Membership,
the Board shall set the direction of SATP.
C. Board Meetings: The Board shall meet regularly. The President shall preside at all Meetings and shall set the agenda, but may from time to time delegate that
responsibility to the Vice President. Four Members of the Board in attendance shall constitute a quorum to do business.
D. Powers:
1. Raise and expend funds.
2. Set the budget.
3. Open and maintain accounts at banks and other financial institutions as necessary.
4. Set the calendar, as well as the dates, times and places of Membership Meetings.
5. Set and approve all functions and events.
6. Authorize all official statements to the public.
E. Control of SATP Property: All records held and all property purchased or acquired by SATP or by any of its Members with SATP funds, shall be the property of the
SATP and controlled by the Board.
A. The Officers of the SATP shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
B. Officers shall be Members of the Board, and shall be the sole Officers of the SATP.
C. Duties of Officers and Directors:
1. The President shall preside at all Membership, Board, and Special Meetings; set the agendas for Meetings; appoint the Parliamentarian; and perform other executive
duties consistent with the Office. The President shall be the public spokesperson for SATP, but may delegate the duty of spokesperson to others.
2. The Vice-President shall assist the President in performance of the President’s duties as delegated by the President and assume the duties of the President in the President’s absence. The Vice-President shall be the President Elect and will serve as President during the subsequent term of office.
3. The Secretary shall keep a record of Minutes of all proceedings of Board and Membership Meetings; assist the President in preparation of meeting agendas and in
preparing and filing regulatory forms; maintain an accurate list of Members and contact information; and maintain all official non-financial SATP documents. The Secretary
may delegate the maintenance of the membership list. The Secretary shall keep all approved Minutes in an accessible format.
4. The Treasurer shall collect dues; prepare and maintain an accurate record of finances; have custody of all funds, securities, evidences of indebtedness and other
appropriate financial documents; prepare financial reports as needed: pay the debts of SATP in a timely manner; prepare the operating budget; prepare and file in a timely manner, all required regulatory financial documents and tax forms; assist with audits. In addition, the treasurer shall report to the membership during a Membership
Meeting each month, the moneys received and disbursed in the prior month.
D. Return of Property: When an Board member leaves office for any reason; all SATP property in the possession of that Board member shall be immediately returned to the President or Vice President.
A. Eligibility for Office:
1. The Board candidates shall be Voting Members in good standing.
2. Five or more Board Members shall be at least 25 years of age. Other Board Members shall be at least 18 years of age.
3. No two or more immediate members of the same family may be elected or run in the election for the same Board.
B. Election:
1. Election of new Members of the Board shall take place at the Annual Meeting in November of each year.
2. At the Membership Meeting one month prior to an Election, nominations for new Board Members will be received from the floor by the Presiding Officer.
3. A Nominee’s membership, qualifications and willingness to serve if elected shall be confirmed by the Secretary before the Nominee’s name is placed on the ballot.
4. At the Membership Meeting during which the Election takes place, each Candidate shall have an opportunity to speak directly to the Membership.
5. The President shall appoint 3 Voting Members who are not Candidates or related to the Candidates or Members of the Board, to count the votes.
6. Election of Board Members shall be by majority Vote of the Voting Members present. If a majority is not achieved on the first ballot, a runoff shall be held between
the two Candidates who received the most votes.
7. All Votes shall be by written secret ballot.
8. Once elected, the Members of the Board shall then elect the Officers from within the Board.
C. Terms of Office:
1. All officers and directors at large shall serve for a term of three years. There shall be three sets of rotations in a three year term. The first year shall have two board members rotate off the board for the election of two new members. The second year shall have two board members rotate off the board for the election of two new
members. Finally, the third year shall have three board members rotate off the board for the election of three new members.
2. No person shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same Office.
D. Recall of Officers and Directors at- Large:
1. A Board Member may be recalled by having a Voting Member present a Recall Petition, signed by not less than ten percent (10%) of the total number of Voting
Members, to the Presiding Officer at a Membership Meeting. After verification by the Parliamentarian that the requisite signatures are valid, a Recall Election shall be
held at the next Membership Meeting.
2. The Recall Election shall be limited to: “Shall (name) be removed from the Board? Yes or No”. If two-thirds of Voting Members present at the meeting Vote ‘Yes’, the Board Member is immediately removed from Office. All Votes shall be by written secret ballot. Votes shall be counted in the same manner as prescribed in Section B.5 of this Article above. E. Resignation: A Board Member may resign by notifying the President or the Board, preferably in writing.
F. Vacancies on the Board: If an Officer position becomes vacant as a result of resignation, recall or death, the President may appoint, with the concurrence of the remaining Members of the Board, a Director-at-Large to fill the position. A Special Election will then be called to replace the Director-at-Large, unless the vacancy occurs within 90 days
of an Annual Meeting. If, however, the vacancy will exceed 90 days but be less than 180, the Board may choose not to fill the vacancy(ies), provided the Board consists of at
least five members.
Special Committees and Task Forces: The Board shall appoint and direct Special Committees and Task Forces as needed to support the mission of the SATP.
Committees and Task Forces shall make reports to the Membership at appropriate times.
A. Defined: Any Member of SATP who has a financial, personal, or official interest in any matter pending before Membership or the Board of such a nature that
it prevents, or may prevent, that Member from acting in an impartial manner or may give the appearance of a partiality that might harm the reputation of the SATP.
B. Action:
1. A Member having a conflict of interest must:
a. Inform the Board or the Presiding Officer of the conflict, at a Membership Meeting;
b. Voluntarily, or at the direction of the Board or Presiding Officer, recuse himself or herself from deliberations and voting on said item.
A. Adoption:
1. These bylaws shall be adopted when two-thirds of the Voting Members at a Membership Meeting vote for their adoption.
a. Adoption of these bylaws may not be voted on until the Membership Meeting following their submission to the Members.
b. Board Members serving at the time of adoption shall continue to serve in their respective capacities until the next Election.
B. Amendment.
1. These bylaws may be amended when two-thirds of the Voting Members at a Membership Meeting vote for an Amendment.
a. Amendments may be proposed by any Voting Member in writing to the Board. If the majority of the Board concurs as written, the proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Members at the next Membership Meeting.
b. Amendments submitted to the Members may not be further amended, and shall be voted on as written.
c. Proposed amendments may not be voted on until the Membership Meeting following their submission to the Members.
At such time as SATP may be dissolved, all monies, property and assets of the organization in excess of those needed to pay obligations of the organization and expenses
of dissolution, shall be donated and transferred to the successor non-profit organization of SATP, if any, and if there be none, then to any other non-profit organization
as my be chosen and determined by the Board at the time of such dissolution.